Squad 1: Komamura Saito
*Picture of your character Here*
*Name: Komamura saito
*Age of Death: 26
*Actual Soul Reaper Age: 300
he is laid back most of the time he loves to fight but wont get too serious unless someone he loves is in trouble he loves food and to interact with people he makes jokes etc
*Character Appearance:
he has brown hair white he wears his Vice captain sash and his regular shinigami gear
*Life as a Soul Reaper
A first division member I am the VC and i try to know everyone and my captain is my captain and my allegiance is to the soul society.
Sealed Description: just a katana
Inner World: inner world looks like a long empty street with nothing on it
Shikai Form: nunchucks with blades
Zanpakuto's Name: ayernic
Zanpakuto Element: fire, lightning
Release command: Bring it all ayernic
Shikai Appearance: nunchucks with blades
Passive Abilities
Passive Ability I: user gains the power to not be burned or shocked by his atacks
Passive Ability II
Active Ability:
Active Ability I:incenerate ayernic, he can launch fireballs or control fire around his blade
Active Ability II: electrify ayernic, he can shoot lightning or control lightning around his blade
Active Ability III: Combine ayernic , he electrifys one blade and covers the other with fire
Bankai Form
Zanpakuto's true name:ayernicao
Your Bankai's new name:ayernicao
it is nunchucks with baldes on fire and one is covered with lightning
Bankai Appearance:it is nunchucks with baldes on fire and one is covered with lightning
What your zanpakuto now looks like in bankai
Bankai Passive Abilities
Passive Ability I
Passive Ability II his fists get covered with fire
Active Ability
Active Ability I: flame up ayernicao
, he engulfs himself in flames at will burning anyone near and giving some protection from atacks
Active Ability II: Lightning from the heavens ayernicao
, he creates this huge ball of lightning that he can control and bend to his will
Active Ability III:show them what were made of ayernicao
, he make two huge dragons one of fire and one of exectricity that he controls with his nunchuck swords left fire right lightning