1st Division Royal Rankings
This is where the Rankings of the 1st Division will be posted two times each month; on the 1st & 15th of Every month.
In order to receive a promotion, you must stay active within the forum and contribute to the Division.
You may also be recommended by a subordinate for a promotion. Subsequently, if you want to receive a promotion, stay active and contribute to the Division!
Royal Commanders:
Captain Commander: Kasumi Yamamoto
Vice Captain: Komamura Saito
Council: Knights Of the Round:
3rd Seat: [Council Knight Commander]
4th Seat:
5th Seat:
6th Seat:
Royal Court Knights:
7th Seat: [Royal Court Leader]
8th Seat:
9th Seat:
10th Seat:
11th Seat:
12th Seat:
13th Seat:
Royal Guardians:
14th Seat: [Guardian Squad Leader]
15th Seat:
16th Seat:
17th Seat:
18th Seat:
19th Seat:
20th Seat: Noble Recruits:
-Outacon Reyes
Division Statistics:
Total Members: 3
Open spots: 17
1 Recruit
0 Unseated